Tuesday, February 2, 2010

#3 Put God First

"Seek first the Kingdom and all these things will be added to you." One time Mom threatened to ground Brian. He said, "What are you going to ground me from? All we do is go to church." Growing up, it seemed like putting God first was pretty easy. When we were little we just played and then on Wednesday nights and Sundays we went to church. Of course, as we all got into high school sports were so much of our life. That never conflicted with church though. Even if we were up late with games we were up early for church. This teaching about God first played out in the summer especially when Mom told us, "When you go to get a summer job, just tell your employer right off the bat that you want off for camp and if you have faith you'll get the job." I always did that and it worked. Or Mom told us to pay our tithing and God would take care of the rest. So when I was early married Terry and I made camps and reunions our top priority and did the same. When our kids were little it was hard. Going to church was sometimes not too uplifting. We sometimes wondered why we went. I suppose our stubbornness helped out then. As I got older I realized that going to church was not all putting God first was about. Like, should I paint my room or take time for a friend? Should I go to bible study or mow the yard? Should we spend our money on a trip to Mexico or give to the Haitian children? Sometimes I just want to tell God, "I'm tired of being a Christian today. I just want to do my own stuff." And sometimes I do. Sometimes life just seems too hard and I prefer colors of walls and carpet to children who are being abused or adults who are being divorced. Sometimes I'd rather read a romance novel than study for a sermon. I tell myself it's balance. But I wonder... When I put God first in my every day life I begin to love God most in my heart. When I choose to study rather than read the romance I am richly blessed. Things are bumped up to a whole new level. I'm amazed at how God seems to be waiting, anxiously to bless and uplift me when I make God my first priority. It's probably my biggest struggle still.

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