Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The other day Spencer was waiting in their alley to be picked up to play with a friend. He came inside and said, "Dang it!"
Terra, "What's wrong, Spencer."
Spencer, "I've been trying and trying to throw a rock to the moon and I can't even get it across the road!"
Terra, "Even the strongest person in the world couldn't get a rock to the moon."
Spencer, "Who would that be? Superman? Batman? Spiderman?"
Isn't that how we are with God? We try and try to be all we're meant to be but it's like throwing a rock to the moon. We're all far from perfect but God makes up the rest because of Christ.


Karen told me the other day she and Nathan were deciding what to give to Heifer International, an organization that you can buy a heifer, sheep, ducks or whatever to give to a family in an underdeveloped country. They asked Kate if she would like to give some out of her piggy bank.
She replied thoughtfully, "Well, I've been saving in my piggy bank for a long time.
I was saving to buy you and Daddy a house in Hawaii."


Since the funeral Michael has been asking questions about Heaven. When I was there the other day, he and I were laying on their deck playing with leaves and a gooey substance he'd just got at the store.
"Oma, are you old?"
"I'm getting that way, Michael. Do I look old?"
"Yeah, your cheeks."
"You mean the wrinkles."
"Oma, when you go to heaven, will you meet me there?"
"Yes, Michael, I will."