Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I am driving in the dark.  A winter landscape of white.  A mist of snow, not even enough to use my wipers. I am alone.  I turn off the Christian radio I've been listening to.  I am lonely.  Tired of the struggle that comes with Christmas when you are a person who hates to disappoint.  I've left God out - again.  I did try this year.  I got up early many mornings to pray.  I'm wanting to be a better listener to God.  That part was good.  But after a few days of family I'm finding I'm missing our Relationship.   So I am finally alone. I have nothing to say.  Words seem to be a burden and another interruption.
 I drive quietly.  I want You.  How can I obtain your peace.  Questions fill my mind.  The questions of life.  Of God.  Who are You?  How do You work?  I'm even tired of all that.  I think of the snow, it's wonder.  It's beauty. It's gift.  It's revelation of You.  How You must love me, us all.  You are there.  Nothing else matters.  Just You and I driving.  Questions don't matter.  Peace.  Thank You.