Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Featuring Spencer

"The first shall be last." The day Spencer was born, in the room as they were just finished cleaning him up Jamie whispered to me, "He's perfect!" Yes, he was. And, he still is! (spoken like the grandmother of her first grandchild) People tell me Spencer is a beautiful child with his blond curly hair and big blue eyes. Of course that makes me proud. But what I love about him is that he is so enthusiastic about life! Confidence oozes from him. His list of LOVES is long: school, friends, Abigail, Birthday Bash Day at school, cakes, his new scooter, family home evening, his Dad when he's silly, his Mom's hugs, going to "Old MacDonalds" (McDonalds)...
He is sure he is right and that things will be wonderful. He is so kind to his sisters especially considering he is definitely outnumbered. He wants to do the right thing and has no problem telling me if what I've done is not appropriate. "No, no no (very fast) Oma, you do it this way." His verbal skills are amazing. His balance has always been advanced. He loves to laugh and be silly. I love to be with him.

1 comment:

Carla J said...

I love all these tributes you've given to your Grandchildren. Good on you! Andrew used to call McDonald's, "old McDonalds" too. Funny.

Love you Carol Ann!