Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Love's Answer

We were told to meditate on what is our greatest struggle spiritually. It didn't take me long to decide. "What does the Lord require of me?" As I walked away from the group pondering that thought, I felt drawn to walk to the chapel. Entering the large, empty semi-darkness I sat near the front in a pew. The last time I was there was for reunion/family camp. The warm Spirit of that memory touched me, remembering the blessings of that week given by God and I silently prayed, "God, you helped me
so much during reunion." The Answer came quickly, "No, you helped Me." The wonder of God is how I can feel chastised and treasured/loved at the same moment. I recognized first the chastisement. Terry's Dad used to call it, "The tail wagging the dog." I understood I was placing God as my helper, not the other way around. That immediately rearranged itself in my head and another image came to mind. I thought of the joy I experienced as a parent when my children attempted to help me. They would be under foot, feeling like they were doing so much. What came to me was the feeling I have - the joy, listening to their chatter, smiling at their attempts. The JOY. I knew God felt joy in my sharing in God's work. I am still sorting out how that fits with what God requires of me. Somewhere in the answer is my own joy as I serve. How is it that whatever I do for God comes back to bless me more? I am deeply moved by that kind of Parental love.

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