Friday, November 30, 2007


Terry and I wanted to have two boys close in age. I never used any birth control and never had any periods between Matt and Nathan. When Matt was about 7 months old I got preganant. We were very happy but others made negative comments about the wisdom of having 2 so close in age. Both Mom and Kathy Sacry encouraged me though. They were definitely for close in age kids. When I called Terry's Mom she said, "You're kidding!" (negative tone)
I had a good pregnancy. I'm sure I had the usual symptoms but don't remember much. I did get very sick with bronchitis. I refused to take any medicine or even go to the doctor at first. When I finally gave in he told me I was near pneumonia. He was angry with me and told me I probably did more damage to the baby by not taking medicine that if I had. Of course I felt awful. I quickly recovered after that.
I also had lots of allergy problems with both boys and since I couldn't take anything had a constant sneezing dripping time. It was during Nathan's pregnancy that I became allergic to cats and I have been ever since.
I gained 30 pounds with Nathan, the most I ever did. I couldn't tie my shoes so Terry did it for me. The doctor figured I was due about the end of May so Mom and Diane came the end of May, stayed 2 weeks and went home. Then Terry's parents came for 2 weeks and left. Then Karen Woods (now Garber) came 2 weeks and then left. (During that time Grandpa Carroll died. I couldn't leave as it was June and Nathan was due any day! I heard about the funeral. All my siblings were pall bearers and on the way to the cemetary the processon went through a cattle drive. Grandpa loved cattle drives so we thought that was neat.)
I must have thought Nathan would never come because on July 11 I was in charge of Church school worship, Terry was preaching and I was in charge of a baby shower for someone else. Our friends took over and we went to the hospital. I got up early and finished a cake for the shower between contractions.
Dr. Yardy assured me that this one would be easier. I was all loosened up now and things would be fine. He went on vacation that Saturday and Nathan was born on Sunday afternoon. The doctor who took over for him was an OB. I did fine until the pushing came. I said to Terry at one point, "Kill me. Don't let anything happen to this baby but just kill me." It was a hard day for him. I could hear the doctor down at the end saying things like, "Yeah that Yardy told me this would be an easy one. She'd already had a big one to make the way." and "Come on Buttcus(sp?) get out of there." (Terry explained later that Dick Buttcus was a large football player.) Nathan had the cord around his neck and the doctor had to use forcepts like Matt. He looked a little better than Matt did when he came out. Not a long an narrow head, just a smaller hematoma and red eyes. He had a large head and was 8#13oz. He was so developed that his fingernails had grown over the end of his fingers and they made him wear little mits to keep him from scratching himself. He was a beautiful baby, so round and quiet and even then he seemed gentle. I remember holding him in the delivery room but not feeding him. He didn't seem hungry. His cry was more pathetic than mad. Like Matt if he cried hard he would pass out, even in the delivery room. It must have been an emotional time for me. Unaware of post partum depression, I sat in the sits bath and cried wondering why I felt sad. The next day I went home and in a week we moved to Kansas City where Terry started medical school.
Children were not allowed then to come into the hospital so Terry brought Matt to the hospital and I looked at him out the window and waved to him down below. He seemed so big.
I had wondered if I could love another child the way I loved Matt. I was amazed at how instantly I loved this child. Terry's parents took Matt to Independence and we left the next day. Nathan was in a little bassinet and as we prepared to leave, saying good-bye to all our dear friends, I started to close the door without picking him up. Bill Gardner still teases me about almost forgeting my child in Illinois. Looking back I think it must have been a very emotional time for me. Loosing Grandpa, our friends, moving, having 2 children close in age, the trauma of the delivery. But at the time I just remember being focused on my children's welfare. Worrying about being separated from Matt and centering on Nathan's needs. We left a home of great joy, spiritual learning, lots of friends - a very simple life. I had no idea what lay ahead!

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