Saturday, November 3, 2007


This morning I woke up grumpy. I think it's because of a little white dog moving around in the night but I can't swear to it. Anyway, when I got up to have my prayer time (needed it!), I thought how I wanted to just be close to God. Sometimes I'm tired of asking God for this and that and to help my kids and all my requests. So this morning I decided to just breathe in and out the word, "Daddy." which is the meaning of Abba. Jesus called God "Abba." I started doing that and it was delightful. Like coming to a loving, accepting, wise and caring Father who loves me no matter what and knows me better than I know myself. I realized I could just bring all my problems to Him (though part of the time I thought about it being, "Mommy" and that was nice too.) So I was talking to "Daddy" about how I was upset about something and then I began to laugh because some of my problems sounded so silly. And I could sense God laughing with me. Not at but with. I did share some of my fears and worries, not wanting God to fix but just wanting to share with my "Daddy." It was a delightful time. I didn't want it to end even when I had to leave.
Some people believe it's not appropriate for us to call God our Father since so many people have rotten fathers and they can't get away from that image when they pray to a heavenly father. My Dad is not perfect but he listens good. He cares about my well being. He hates to see me hurting. He makes me feel loved and special. He's gentle and kind. Maybe that's why I can pray like I did this morning. Dad's a good Dad to unload on and so is God.
One of my greatest blessings is knowing I am a blessing to my parents. I wonder if I am a blessing to God? I hope so.

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