Thursday, January 26, 2012

It was a bad week.  I had 2 hard days.  Have you ever just not known how to talk to anyone about how you feel?  And you thought people were tired of your complaining so you were just quiet?  but I needed to get it out.  I needed to be fed spiritually.  I needed to verbally process.  I had missed a call from Diane, my sister in Missoula.  No message and I got busy and didn't return it.  Tuesday we were going to Missoula to see Matt and his family.(Maci - yeah!)  On the way over I called Diane and she was so excited about getting together.  We sometimes don't when I'm there because I'm busy with Matt's family or she's busy with her activities.  She said she could spend the day with me!  Wow!  What a treat!  Wednesday morning I got up early and went to her house.  She was having a fast and pray day to prepare for her family's trip to Africa.  She was preparing for her prayer time and was glad I could join her. She  had some needs that she shared with me and I shared with her but mostly we talked about God and how amazing and astounding God is.  She read Isaiah 58 and a devotion from her book she has to read to prepare.  Some of her readings were about prayer and it's importance in preparation.  I had been starting to do prep for our reunion I direct.  I needed to hear that message.  She needed to be with family.  She was lonesome for Mom and Dad and so was I.  Some of the things we shared were things only kids of Mom and Dad would feel and understand in the same way.  I really can't explain exactly how it all came together but we each had a need and that need was met though our meeting.  We each believe God was in that meeting, that time together.  We each believe prayer is important.  It is one of the greatest gifts I have that I have sisters who share my faith.  Especially who openly profess and inwardly praise God through Jesus Christ.  Thanks Diane.  Thanks God.  You did it again!  I never can figure out just how You do it but I know You know me and so quickly move to show Your support and Love.

1 comment:

One Step at a Time said...

I wanted to thank you and T for your card. I've been a little down lately, and your card made me feel so much better. Love you both,
xoxoxo Karen