Tuesday, December 21, 2010


In light of the fact that my computer refuses to let me upload pictures lately and because looking at the eclipse in the middle of the night (what a magnificant sky!)has brought to my mind so much joy and I can't quite go back to sleep, my mind has turned to the high concept of the sacrament of marriage. My friend and our mission center pres says that every sacrament is an act of repentance. In other words, a turning from one way of life to another. In the case of marriage it is turning from focusing on living mostly for myself to deciding to live for the sake of someone else. For example, choosing to sacrifice my wants and desires each day, to considering what is best for my spouse too. Of course, there are many who choose not to make that covenant in a marriage ceremony and some do quite well. But I like the ceremony because, like other sacraments, it is an outward sign of an inward commitment. The ceremony itself is a time of community. It is a time, when those who come can enter, if they choose, into covenant, also. For the sake of the couple and the community, those who come (and those who don't but commit in spite of their inability to attend) can make a commitment also, to support and uphold the couple in their new covenant. It is true, I think, that a couple would find it very hard to remain together without the help of community. When the couple is struggling, the community can either say, "Oh, well, it's not that important anyway. Find someone else who is easier, cuter, whatever." or they can say, "You made a commitment. Stick to it. In fact, we will help you if we can. We think your relationship is important."(or some such words) Or, without words we can just make an inward commitment to support and uplift marriages. One lady we knew years ago continues to send a card to us every anniversary.
And the couple can commit to the good of the community as well. In the sacrament they can say, "We not only commit to our own union, but to the union that is for the good of you, as a community. Our covenant will strengthen the community and we want to do that." Very early in our marriage we heard a man speak of marriage. He said the purpose of marriage is to glorify God. Of course, that is the purpose of all of life so that made such sense to me. It took me out of myself and let me see that if I made more effort in my marriage God would be glorified through it and the community would be enriched. I have not always done that but it is a good goal.
When you've just been looking into a beautiful night sky, you can believe all things are possible.

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