Friday, May 29, 2009


My first experience at a church reunion was when I was somewhere between 10 and 13. I think. It was also the last time it was held at a little campground just southish from Deer Lodge called Racetrack. My few memories of that place are each connected to feelings of "love." I believe I must have been in that fickle place when the older teenage girls were just beginning to include me in their group. I listened intently as Susan and, someone else, maybe Sandy, advised me about a certain young boy named Todd Eliason. The Eliason boys were the heartthrob of every girl in the Western Montana district. Todd was the youngest. He was no exception. The rumor was that Todd was going to ask me to campfire. The advise was, "Say yes!" I was definitely more interested in being a part of the older girls and doing what they said than I was interested in Todd Eliason, even if he was one of those Eliason boys. It must have taken all of his courage to walk into that crowded room and ask me.
"Will you go to campfire with me?"
"Yes." Typical junior high.
I think the reason I remember this event is because when I walked out of the room, (He had already left.) Tod was jumping in the air in a little fit of exaltation over my acceptance. I felt embarassed for him when he realized I was watching.
My second memory of that reunion was also about "love" but the kind of love that is common in junior high girls. "The crush." Ron Yager was a tall, handsome blondish young missionary who was assigned to our area. He had been at our home before. My little brother, Randy, walked up to him and kicked him in the chin the first time he came to visit. He laughed and used that somehow to make a point in his next sermon. I can only imagine my own shy adoration of this man who stole my heart. I loved God and I loved him and I think the two loves were pretty mixed together. No one knew it but I was determined that I would marry him someday. At this reunion, Ron was the guest minister. I was sitting on the front row when he made his announcement. In his charming way he told us he had a very special announcement. He was going to marry a lovely young women named "Del." I was crushed. It seems I was able to hold it together until the service ended. Then I snuck around the corner of the building where I could be alone to cry.
My third memory was about a different kind of love. I've often wondered why I fell in love at such an early age - with God. I craved above anything else that sweet, strong Spirit that touched me so early on. I would rather be in church, at a camp or reunion than any place else. I loved it when the guest ministers would travel through Montana and stay at Grandma and Grandpa Sacry's home. I would sit in the living room and listen to them as they discussed religion with Grandpa Carroll.
I loved being at this reunion because I loved the Holy Spirit. It was at this reunion that Mom received her Patriarchial blessing. I wanted to be there. I'm not sure who was except Mom, myself and the minister. I don't remember much of what was said but I do remember not wanting to leave that room. The sweetness of that Spirit was better to me than Todd or Ron or anybody else.

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