Monday, December 17, 2007

In Honor of Jamie

Sunday, December 16, 2007
In Honor of James Gayle Reiff
Last night Terry and I went to Clinton for a party in honor of Jamie finishing law school. My 4th child.
Jamie was the only one of my children who caused my water to break before labor began. I say "caused" because it felt like he was coming out weeks before he arrived! I had a bad cough and I spent many night sitting up in bed so I could sleep without coughing. He was also my one and only sonogram kid. I think he was 2 days late. Terry's parents had come for the weekend, hoping to be there for the event, and then gone home. Sunday afternoon after they left I was taking a nap and I heard a "pop." And then warm water.
I went into having my last child like I was entering a war zone! I was not looking forward to the birth! But I did want another child. So... I was ready. Terry and I left together to go to the hospital when my contractions were just beginning. He had to work the ER, so I went there with him. I figured I would stay with him as long as possible in the room he slept in. I watched "Jaws" on TV through the beginning stages. Then I went to the labor room. That week, Nancy Sacry had sent me a card with the scripture, "God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." I had decided to use that scripture from Timothy in the Bible to help me concentrate through labor and delivery. When the contractions were fairly light I panted to "l-o-v-e". As they got worse, I panted to "p-o-w-e-r" and when it seemed I couldn't bear them any more I used, "s-o-u-n-d m-i-n-d." I hardly paid any attention to anything else. I do remember during part of the evening that they wheeled a darling little girl with thick black hair into the labor room. She had just been born and was being adopted. I wanted a little girl. 2 boys, 2 girls just like Gayle and Kathryn.
In the delivery room I was not able to keep as good of control. As usual, the pushing was the tough part. I remember thinking I couldn't stand it much longer. Then the doctor accidently pinched me with the forcepts. I screamed a little cry and he apologized. I surprised myself by not even being disappointed when Jamie came out and he was a boy. He was absolutely beautiful! I immediately took him and nursed him but he wasn't really hungry. The doctor asked me if I had ever had an injury on my tailbone. I remembered one when I was tubing. He thought it might have contributed to my difficult deliveries.
By that time, all of the children could come up to the hospital and visit me. I remember Mom came up with them. I was pretty tired and was glad when they went home. I think I felt especially confident with Mom being with them that they were fine. What a treat to have her there! When we got home we had a celebration of her birthday.

I have to tell you that the word I would use to describe raising Jamie would be delightful! He was a fun child and by then I knew what was important and what was not. I didn't worry as much about the small things and I enjoyed so much each moment, knowing the time goes so fast! All the kids loved holding him and he was strong and healthy.
Mom said I finally got a child that looked like a Sacry. I don't know about that since he looks like Terry and Nathan especially.
One qualitiy I loved and still love about Jamie is his desire for relationship. He loves people and he can't hold anything against anyone. One day I was so mad at him because he had been acting out. I was ignoring him and fuming around the house. He said to me, "Mom, you've got to forgive me or something."
As a child, he had a deep sensitivity to God's Spirit. One day I was driving with him on the way to pick up Terra from kindergarten. We were passing the beautiful fields of cotton in Mississippi with the red blooms against the white cotton and green leaves. I was listening to a tape in the tape player that was a Christian music tape and had mostly forgotten he was even in the car buckled in the seat behind me. Then I heard his little voice,
"What, Jamie?"
"I'm so happy."
Surprised, "Why Jamie?"
"Because God loves me."
It was a confirming testimony to me that the Spirit I was feeling, was also touching this little child.

It is so tempting to continue writing about other experiences with Jamie, but I know this writing is too long because my neck hurts. If you ever read this, Jamie, I hope you know how very proud of you I am. Somewhere, deep inside of you, you know how very much God loves you. My prayer is that you claim that love as you move on to another phase of your life. Congratulations on a job well done.

Posted by Carol Ann at 5:35 AM 0 comments

A Prayer Answered
It was the summer of 1980. Terry and I decided to go to the reunion in the Jefferson City area before he began his internship. We borrowed his parents' trailer. I was about 2 month pregnant with Jamie. I was concerned about the year ahead. Being pregnant, having 3 , 5 and under, knowing Terry would be gone alot and moving to a new town. Frankly, I wasn't sure I could do it. One morning I woke up early and decided I would go to a wooded area to pray. I had been taught all my life about Joseph going to God in prayer. Why not me! Sneaking out of the camper, I found a spot where it was quiet and sat on a log. I don't think I was there long. I simply lifted my prayer to God. My prayer was simple, something like, "Lord, you know what my year is going to be like. I don't have the strength to face it. You've promised to be with me. I'm asking you today to give me some help. Somehow, today, through what happens, give me help in knowing how to cope with this year." And then I snuck back to bed.
The first activity of the morning was a prayer service. I remember sitting in the service, watching a beautiful red bird in a hole in the front of the chapel. The man in charge stood up and said, "I feel lead by the Spirit this morning to
ask you to center your prayers and testimonies around the needs of mothers with small children." People began to pray for just that, and to give testimonies about how they had been helped by God in raising their families.
At the close of that service it was announced that there would be a special tea for ladies. The wives of the guest ministers would be sharing. When I went to that tea, women shared about how they coped with their husbands being gone so much.
After I returned home, I received a book that Terry's Mom had sent on the day of my prayer about how to organize and clean my house better.
I am still amazed when I think about that day. How can I ever wonder now if God really works in our individual lives. I told no one about my concerns, not even Terry. I'm not sure I even testified after those experiences about the goodness of God. But I have never forgotten how God answered my prayer, as, in an act of faith, I went to that place, as a child of God, asking my Father for help.

Posted by Carol Ann at 5:12 AM 0 comments

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