Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Things I learned growing up

#1. Never rush into the presence of God.
I think this was said most about going to church. Things like:
The night before get your clothes ready, shine shoes, set out your clothes.
Read your Sunday School lesson. Pray for the person who is going to speak.
Get your envelope ready with your tithing in it.
Get to church early so you can sit and meditate seeking God's presence.
Maybe there are others...
These seem like "old fashioned" ideas. Certainly out of step with our present "rush,rush" society. To me they seem like lessons from another world.
Terry and I can do these things pretty easily now, even though we have lots of church responsibilities. Our freedom makes that kind of discipline fairly easy.
But I think about parents who are fitting church in-between Sunday soccer games and Saturday night movies, parties, etc. Maybe that's why new theology talks more about God being present in every place. We either find God at the soccer games or we can't find room for God at all. I got the feeling, growing up, that God and church were one and the same thing. I'm glad I don't think that way any more. But I do think we're missing out when life is so packed full. I know, for myself, I get addicted to the adrenaline flow of the hurry lifestyle. When life slows down too much I get antsy. The old disciplines help with that. And I like what happens at church when I prepare myself to really meet God. That's another thing I was taught, to come to church expectantly, believing God would be there. And God always was (is).

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