Saturday, February 21, 2009

stealing continued

I would steal from Terry his gift of making quick decisions, sticking with them and not feeling guilty when he is wrong. His whole family is that way. They make great referees, nurses, er workers, leaders of games, etc. Though I would like that quality for myself, (especially when ordering at a restraunt), I don't always like it in them. It's very hard for Terry, for example, when the Sacry family is trying to make a decision about where to go or where to eat. We're team players and we don't mind listening to each other and being patient about the process. Terry just wants to make a decision and go! When I love that quality in him is when a decision does have to be made fast. It sure makes my life simpler sometimes. Other times it makes me mad, like when I'm deciding where to park and he wants to tell me what to do. Sometimes I hide behind that good quality in him so I don't have to make a decision and be held responsible for it. Like most good qualities, the flip side of the coin is not so easy sometimes. So I will try to steal just enough. That is, if he will let go of some of his!

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