Monday, February 16, 2009

Jamie and Mom

Today is Jamie's 28th birthday! I got to fix him and his family breakfast and sing "Happy Birthday" to him with them. I told him it was cool that not only was he a fun kid to raise but he created a child who is just like him. Michael has so many of Jamie's qualities. He's sensitive, caring, relational, funny, smart, serious, interested in many things with a good memory, direct, without guile, honest and loving. Both of them brighten up the room when they enter.
When Jamie was in grade school he took violin lessons in Bozeman. Sometimes Mom helped me out by taking him to practice. One time I was at home and Jamie came storming into the house with Mom following. They were arguing in a light hearted , yet intense way only they could argue. Jamie went immediately to the encyclopedias. The arguement: Do snakes have bones?! From that day forward it was a constant joke with them. The arguement continued whenever they got together. It was something they could laugh about and tease each other about. I used to give Mom a bad time because when Jamie was a senior we left him with Mom while we went somewhere for a week. When we came home he had a tatoo and his ear pierced. By that time I knew Mom thought such activities were trivial. And, for me, the relationship they had with each other was more important than the fuss going up against him would cause. They enjoyed a special relationship that was a blessing to them and to me. Someone once told me, "I felt loved when someone loved my child."
I would add, "I felt blessed when my child loved my Mother."

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