Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I am in Philly this week getting a huge grandchildren fix. Terra and Zach's family have "Family Home Evenings" on Mondays. Each person has a responsibility to do their part. Rachel lead the opening song (waving arms and all). Anna said a prayer. Spencer had the lesson. Terra and Zach invited me to help Spencer come up with a lesson so I asked him if he wanted to tell about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. I said, "You could pretend to be Jesus." He acted kind of negative about it and I thought maybe he just didn't want to do the feet washing thing so I said, "Would you rather do another story like David and Goliath or Daniel and the Lion's Den?" He said, "I want to wash everybody's feet, but NO ONE should be Jesus. He's the only One." Properly chastised, I told him he could wash the feet and no one would be Jesus. I wondered how he would do since he was pretty tired, had been sick with an ear infection, etc. But when our turn came I asked him to tell about people's feet back in Jesus time. He spoke right up, though somewhat shyly, "Mostly they wore sandals so they had dirt and dust on their feet - and toe jam. (He had told me earlier in the week how he had to clean the toe jam out of his toes most nights.) Servants washed their feet but Jesus put on an apron and washed his disciples feet." So we washed everyone's feet, him washing and me drying. It was absolutely precious, especially when he washed Zach's feet. Anna and Rachel loved it too. Then I told about since Jesus served us, we should serve others.
Then Spencer asked each person, "Who serves you, Mom?" (Anna, Rachel, etc.) It was a very precious time to me. It reminded me of times in my life when my own children were so close to God, so trusting in their faith and sensitive to God's Spirit that they taught me.

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