Friday, March 4, 2011

First Love

I am doing "the Love Dare." Today the message is about unconditional love. I wish every married couple would read it. And live it. I didn't at first. It took Terry to start it. Several years ago he watched one of the videos we ask our couples to read when we work with them in marriage prep. It was on making a decision to honor your spouse. The man in the video said his wife was miserable in their marriage and when he asked her why he said it was because he put everything in his life ahead of her. That video impacted Terry greatly and he made a decision that day to honor me for the rest of our lives. Each day he would ask himself how he could honor me. Obviously he did not remember that every day. It was not easy. At first I didn't realize he was doing it. But soon I began to feel the blessing. And it made me want to respond. It made loving him easy.
Sometimes, when Terry and I will have a spat in public someone will say something like, "Hey, I thought you were the "marriage enrichment people." It surprises me. We do marriage enrichment because, like every couple, we need it. We want our marriage to be good. We work at it every day.
This morning when I was reading the Love Dare I found myself wondering if I would be able to love Terry if he had not made that commitment so long ago. A part of me wanted to find out. But, the very sensible part of me said an almost outloud, "NO!" I love being married to a man who is committed to not only staying married to me but making our relationship special. It is one of the greatest blessings of my life. It challenges me to be better. Thanks Ter. You are truly a man I admire, respect and love.

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