Thursday, June 3, 2010


The day Jamie was born was a wonderful day. Mostly because Jamie was born and if you know Jamie you love him and know he is a delight in a number of ways. But the day of his birth was a testimony to me of God's goodness, love and power. Having had difficult births 3 times I was not looking forward to this last delivery. Some weeks before his birth I received from Nancy a scripture from 2nd Timothy. "God does not give us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." She was thinking about my delivery and felt this might help. The day after Jamie's due date, a Sunday evening after Terry's parents had gone home and Mom had arrived my water broke (the only one of my children who made my water break.) I went to the hospital with Terry since he was on call, sat in his room and watched Jaws during the first couple of hours and then went to the labor and delivery room. During the first part of the labor I used the word "love" as I panted. L-o-v-e It wasn't too bad. During the next part, as it got worse I used the word "power." P-O-W-E-R (definitely needing power) And during the worst part I used the words "sound mind" S-O-U-N-D M-I-N-D since I was loosing mine. I was totally focused. I knew Terry was there for me but I really was so totally determined and intent that I put out any other thought from my mind. I had to.
People around me wondered about all the spelling. It was not easy but I made it through. And now I have Jamie as a great reward.
This morning my pray-as-you-go was about that scripture. Only the version of scripture they used used the words, love, power and self-control. And they used the word "timidity" instead of fear. And that is exactly what I am needing as I prepare for directing reunion. I am always amazed at how good God is and how quickly God blesses us in just the right way. And how wonderful scripture written long ago is a blessing to us even now. Timeless.

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