Monday, July 30, 2012

Mustard seeds

The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.  It is the smallest of seeds but when it is grown its tree is larger than others and the birds build their nests in it.  Sunday, it seemed to me many mustard seeds were planted.  I thought few would be there.  The night before Steve and Annie called Nancy to see if they could share about Spec.  Their sharing was rich, full of spiritual blessings, we all wanted to have been there.  Marty shared his testimony, written so well and shared from the heart about the spiritual blessing he receives from working in the garden.  Glada Ann shared how thankful she was that Sierra, her granddaughter was able to go to Spec and how grateful she is that Jay is living with them and helping so much with things she and Renata weren't able to do.  A new girl came who is now living in Willow Creek, Nancy took her to lunch after.  During prayer concerns many shared from their heart concerns.  Ginny McCracken came and asked for prayers about her being Rodeo Queen and traveling to different places.  She doesn't come often.  It was such a blessing to have her there. Kathryn and Brenda did things to help us with our memory verse.  Nancy spoke well, but the sermon was not all the service was about.  It was just one seed.  As I looked out at the congregation, I saw the Kingdom.  It was a large tree growing mightily from those seeds that seemed so tiny.  I love our community.  I never know when I'll see the Kingdom.  Today, in pray -as-you-go, the taize singers sang, "The Kingdom of God is justice and peace and joy in the holy spirit.  Open our eyes to see it." 

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