Sunday, April 3, 2011

Intimacy interrupted

I was in high school. It was one of those perfect days, 70's, pleasant and sunny. I came home into the quiet of the living room. Mom was lying on our orange couch on her back. Dad was on the floor sitting next to her. They were both smiling. Both were fully clothed, her in a cotton dress. I'm not sure what he wore. What impressed me most was that his hand was resting on her dress over her breast. It was an intimate moment for them but he did not attempt to move his hand. To move at all would have ruined the moment - both for them and for me. I wanted to freeze it. I wanted it to never go away. I was sorry I had interrupted them. For a few moments I felt the peace of the love they shared. That was over 45 years ago and I still treasure that memory.

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