Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today I am thankful for...large white moon against a purple evening sky; the smell of sweet peas blooming in a bunch; 2 gladiolas finally blooming reminding me of Grandpa Sacry and my wedding day; lavendar that lived; several deer playing in the field; Zip looking silly as he watches a stray cat; a respectful, tender, caring husband; laughter; crisp, almost fall air; new mowed lawn; memories of a beautiful summer with Grandkids; Spencer's chuckle, Rachel's sweet tears and Michael's business-like manner all in the same day; cell phones; the Holy Spirit's assurance; devotions lead by T; Ken's helping Dad and Marlene; Carla's encouraging comments; Pray-as-you-go; Phillip Yancey; a finished quilt; a helpful, non-judgemental husband when Zip locked the keys in the car; that I remembered to exercise; a new well cover finished and painted; grandkids, grandkids (in the bible if it's said 3 times it means it's really important), both Terra and Logan calling today, siblings, nieces and nephews...why am I so blessed. Yes, Karen, I am rich..

1 comment:

The Reiffs said...

Carolann, I just love those moments in life where you feel content...I too felt that way when I looked out my window and saw James holding Fin and Michael was on tip toes meeting James for a kiss, the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze blowing Finlei's hair. It was a perfect moment for me as a mom and wife.