Thursday, May 27, 2010

moments of light

Each day I listen to It's got a great devotion. It also has a review of the day thingy. It helps you think back over the day and see where you experienced God's light in that day. I thought I had a bad day. Struggled to stay in it. But as I listened and remembered, I realized there were such lovely moments.
Sharing morning devotions with T.; listening to a wonderful song and copying it for reunion; walking outside during one of the rare times that it wasn't raining;Feeling God's presence nudging me to look at the 3 apple trees we planted last fall for the 3 girls born; Dad calling wanting to share a good movie with me;listening to music at the music concert. And a wonderful nap. I could hardly get out of bed and no coughing while I slept. So many moments of light. Thank you, God.

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