Monday, March 22, 2010


Sometimes I wonder how I could be so slow...Mom always said she was not afraid to die and now Dad is saying the same thing. In fact, I get the idea that he is very tired and is ready to go. But the thing I didn't get is that the hard part is leaving the people you love behind. It seems so obvious now. As I am getting older I realize I won't always be in my family's life. It makes me so sad to think of my grandkids doing things that I won't be around to be a part of. I won't be able to cheer them on.
Or at least so they will know it. When Dad says good-bye to people now he gets teary sometimes now. Never knowing when his time will be. I've never liked good-byes. And this one is definitely LEAVING.


Carla J said...

I agree, hard to say goodbye. We had a special time on Saturday with the Nilsen family remembering Marge. She died 5 years ago. Lots of laughs and tears were shared, as you can imagine. One thing Andrew said that he thinks about was interesting. He knew Bestemamma always liked to attend the grandkid's concerts and games, but sometimes she had to miss them. He feels now that she gets to attend all the concerts, games and special events. Every time he's in a play, he still blows her a kiss at the closing night shows, just as he always did when she was alive.

Give Uncle Dale an extra hug from me next time you see him please. Thanks.

Carla J said...
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