Sunday, January 1, 2012


I think the end of a year and the beginning of a new is a great time.  I like it.  I like to think of what I'm thankful for.  So here goes.
First and foremost, I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ.  I'm thankful that my Mother was a great woman of faith whose faith was her first love.  Seeing that example profoundly effected my life.  I'm thankful I had many other relatives who struggled through the journey of faith so I could watch them and learn. I'm thankful that through my life I was allowed to be a part of church families where I met giants in faith who inspired as well as supported me on my own journey.  I'm thankful for this year when I felt more open and honest about my faith struggles.  I know God is constant, faithful, sure, and definitely not a tame lion. (CS Lewis)  I'm thankful for friends and loved ones who journey with me.  I'm thankful God does not always answer my prayers the way I want.
I'm thankful that I was taught to pray believing that my prayers are heard and answered, sometimes even in ways I could see. 
This year I am thankful that even in tough times I could say thank you because I know God is a God of redemption and salvation - the many dimensions of salvation (Steve Veazy from God)
and I know that I will learn and that so many good things come from the struggles.  In fact, I'm deeply thankful for struggles. (most days)
This year I am thankful for an amazing husband. He has always been faithful - no, I don't mean he has not commited adultery though he hasn't and I don't take that lightly.  I mean he is faithful in working very hard at doing what is best for me.  He finds my happiness as one of his utmost goals.  Through my recent dis-ease he has been patient, supportive and loving.  When we were spending many nights at Dad's March through August he never complained or even whined once. He teaches, learns, gives great neck and leg rubs, loves our children, works hard, supports us well.  Most importantly he journeys in faith with me and sharing that journey with the most important person in my life is one of my greatest blessings.
I'm thankful for my children.  They teach me.  Because of our umbilical connection I will learn from them in ways I would not learn from others.  They have become such amazing adults.  Their respect and caring for me means so much. I admire them and pray for them daily.  This paragraph includes my chldren's spouses who are the best!
I'm thankful for my grandchildren.  They give me life. When I grow up I want to be just like them.
I'm thankful for my church family.  They are saving me.  They are real.
I have many other wonderful things to be thankful for but breakfast is ready.


Carla J said...

Awesome to read your blog, I always enjoy it. It's like getting a mini visit in with you. I love the way you write.

So good to read about all your thankful for. At church today, Erik talked about "The attitude of Gratitude" and about how important it is to be grateful.

I loved seeing you and Terry over Christmas break, you are and always have been, inspirational to me and so supportive. I love you!

The Ranch Family said...

Thank you Carla. Back to you. What a blessing you are.